The Sales Manager's Guide to RFPs

By: David L. Seibert

The Sales Manager's Guide to RFPs

How to Improve Your Win Rate When Pursuing RFPs from Businesses or State and Local Government Agencies

The problem with most books about RFPs and proposals is they’re too focused on RFPs and proposals. They’re too focused on the writing part, not the selling part. They document what you should be doing in the days after an RFP is received but ignore the months and years before an RFP is published. 

This book is different. The purpose of this book is to refocus sellers on selling and, specifically, on all of the many things that have to happen 12-24 months before you receive the RFP.

Formal procurements represent marvelous, lucrative opportunities for salespeople and sales organizations who are proactive, who are willing to take the time and make the effort to win the business before the RFP is issued.

If you want to improve your win rate, you can. And you can do it both consistently and significantly. The Sales Manager’s Guide to RFPs shows you how.

The Sales Manager's Guide to RFPs

What readers have to say about
The Sales Manager's Guide to RFPs

Absolutely excellent. This is definitely in that very small list of proposal-related books that I'd recommend unreservedly. Great advice, eloquently put across.
Amazon review
Back to the Basics. I bought this book in the morning and by the time my plane landed I had read almost the entire book. We are in the process of overhauling some of our processes related to RFPs. This book was spot on and really took the entire capture process and put it in layman terms that anyone in sales would understand. I encouraged everyone on my team to buy the book!
Amazon review

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